What is an ingrown toenail?

Ingrown Toe Nail

What is an ingrown toenail?

What is an ingrown toenail?

The right toenail is said to be ingrown, when the sides or corners of the nail curl down and dig into the pores and skin of the toe, leading to swelling, pain and redness.
Sample cases

What causes an ingrown toenail?

  • Spikes that don’t match well – Shoes that are too limited press the sides of the finger nail and help to make it curls into the skin.
  • Toenails and fingernails that are peeled off at the edge or trimmed down your corners are also more likely increasingly ingrown

To avoid ingrown claws, you should cut your nails straight across. The top of the finger nail should make a right model

What is the treatment for a painful ingrown toenail?

When the situation is mild, you may only need to soak your arch in tepid to warm water for fifteen to twenty minutes and place dry natural, such as part of a pure cotton ball, under the corner of your respective nail. Indications that the nagging issue is getting worse include increasing discomfort, swelling and drainage of the certain area. Your doctor might recommend an oral antibiotic or an antibiotic ointment if there are signs of infection. Sometimes minor surgery is required to remove the right area of the nail that’s poking in to the skin.

The type of medical surgery is conducted to repair the toe nail?

Your physician will numb your toe by injecting it with an anesthetic first. Then she or he will lower your toenail symptomatic advantage that is growing in to the skin and grab some of the piece of nail. Finally, your physician may apply a little electric charge or a liquid remedy to the exposed area of the nail. This will keep the toenail from developing in to the skin again. This part of the surgery is called ablation, and your doctor will decide whether it needs to be done. Not all patients need ablation.

What precisely should I do to care for my toe after surgery?

  • Soak your foot daily in warm water
  • Apply antibiotic ointment to the site at least twice a day
  • Keep a bandage over the site until it heals
  • Take acetaminophen (one brand name: Tylenol) or ibuprofen (one brand name: Motrin) as needed for pain
  • Keep the wound clean and dry. It is okay to shower the day after surgery
  • Wear loosely fitting shoes or sneakers for the first 2 weeks
  • Avoid running or strenuous activity for the first 2 weeks
  • Call your doctor if you have problems with the area, such as increasing pain, swelling, redness or drainage
  • Avoid high heels and tight-fitting shoes now and in the future
  • Trim nails straight across. Don’t pick at your nails or tear them at the corners

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